Send Unicode SMS Marketing
With Canny, you can send multiple language message using Unicode, it allows you to use any known characters within your messages such as Emojis, Chinese and Arabic
What is Unicode Messages?
The term “Unicode Message” identifies text messages sent and received containing characters not included within the default GSM listing. GSM stands for global System for Mobile Communications (originally “Groupe Spécial Mobile”), and for that reason the GSM listing might be an assortment of those 128 letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and logos (i.e. @, ? , ! &, etc.) most commonly used in mobile communications.
Because GSM was developed in Europe and utilizes a 7-bit code, it has its own limitations. For example, the 128-character limit does not possess the capacity to incorporate characters in the Cyrillic or the Chinese, Arabic, and Thai languages, among others. There are an assortment of various methods by which within which programmers have tried to conquer the shortcomings of GSM, and for that reason the palmiest is the UTF customary.

How the Unicode Standard Works?
Instead of manipulation 7-bit computer code, the Hindi SMS habitual uses 8-bit”code units” and combines up to four code components at one time. This extends the amount of characters that might be encoded from 128 into 1,112,064 — enough capacity for all the most important world languages to be encoded in a very solitary record. There’s even an assortment of codes for Klingon, though that hasn’t been officially supported by the UTF composed account.
Cleverly, instead of manipulation four code components to transmit each character, it solely utilizes those that are necessary. For example the computer code to get a capital”A” could be expressed as [00000000 000000000 00000000 01000001], however, rather is called [01000001] in order to save a great deal of houses. If the whole four core units were used in a text message, the amount of characters allowed would fall from a hundred sixty to forty.
How to Find Unicode Character Codes?
Because keying up to cardinal binary numbers at one time will be long — and certain cause mistakes — a Universal Coded listing Transformation Format (UTF) was developed. UTF makes it simpler and quicker for computers to interpret the computer code into a character via positional representation system code.
With numerous characters, needing the code up for one particular character will be like trying to find a needle in a really rick. It register publishes code graphs that place unit engaged to print and transfer, and there place unit many useful on-line resources available on the marketplace which may set a character and provide its character code as soon as you copy and paste the character or draw it first.
However, one in each of the only ways it to find character code is to replicate and paste the character into a Word file. On a Windows bundle, then you press [Alt] and [x] along, as well as the character code replaces the personality. On a Macintosh OS, victimization [Cmd] and [I] should do a similar matter.
How to Insert Characters into a Unicode Text Message?
The way of inserting characters into a Unicode message will change depending on the device you’re using to send the message.
Windows and Mac users wanting to add”non-standard” characters into a Unicode message when sending an message from a majority texting platform needs to have the character copied and pasted into a Word file for the inverse look-up procedure described above. If this is the case, you may just copy and paste the character into the message. Otherwise, follow these steps:
- Windows users must type “charmap” into Cortana (Windows 10) or to the Search Windows alternative (Windows 7/XP). Pick the”Advanced View” and input the amount value of the character code into the box entitled “Proceed to UTF”. Then double-click the personality, select “Copy” and paste the character into the message.
- Mac users should visit the “Character Viewer” (previously the”Character Palette”), click “Customize List” and then select “Unicode”. You will then find a character list, which has a very helpful search function. Scroll or search through the list till you find the character you want, right-click on the character to”Copy Character Information” and paste it in the message.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Unicode Text Messaging?
There’s one key benefit to Hindi text messaging, but sadly two possible disadvantages. The significant benefit is that if your company operates a messaging service, and a significant percentage of your contacts speak Chinese, Arabic, Thai, (etc.), you can join together in their native language. This may give you a substantial business advantage over other companies in your sector and help to build relationships with potential clients.
Another is the more UTF characters you use, the less space you have available to communicate your message.
However, the vast majority of (for example) Chinese speakers should have the Chinese character set in their mobile devices, and it doesn´t necessarily hurt to maintain marketing messages to within 70 characters — the regular maximum amount of characters allowed in a Hindi SMS message using up to ten UTF characters. If you can overcome these problems, the benefit of Hindi SMS messaging far outweighs its possible disadvantages.
Why is the Unicode charset required for text messaging?
By comparison, the Unicode charset includes tens of thousands of composing systems, symbols and punctuation marks used by different languages. Unicode makes it feasible to send messages in any of the world’s languages.
Can Unicode encode SMS scripts and languages?
The Unicode charset encodes symbols onto a per-script basis. This means that there’s only 1 set of defined Latin characters, in spite of the fact that the script is used for thousands of different alphabets.
Why is 402 characters the maximum length of Unicode text messages?
Text messages containing Hindi symbols are shorter than GSM-only messages. That’s since they’re concatenated every 67 characters. Canny’s text applications can send a maximum of six parts comprising Unicode. This implies 6 x 67 = 402 characters.
Fixing the API
As soon as you understood what was possible, it was clear our API had some limitations, so it was time to begin correcting these issues. The majority of the bugs dropped into only a couple of categories. To prevent our mistakes, these concepts are important to keep in mind:
Ensure that your language or framework is interpreting percent-encoded HTTP parameters like UTF-8 rather than Latin-1.
Ensure Your database connection is set to UTF-8
Generally speaking, don’t confuse “strings” and “bytes.” For those who have a set of bytes, you have to be aware of the encoding so as to understand it as a series of text.
How to Send Unicode Text messages in the local language?

Bulk text lets you send messages from the language of your choice. Now promote your business via Hindi text Service in local languages such as Hindi, English, Urdu, Telugu, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Tamil and much more. The Hindi message attribute is used to send a text from case local language, here particularly in India it is somewhat difficult to communicate in most parts of India. Nearly all Indian people can read and write in Hindi. Agriculture Association of India has produced many schemes to educate farmers by sending essential tips through the message. Farmers are receiving benefits from these tips. Few farmer associations from various areas took the natives to ship market prices to farmers that have helped farmers to fair cost deal in their commerce.
You can find loads of reasons to use Tamil message features ie: Sending Greetings, Festival wishes, appointments and a lot more. You found this Unicode Bulk message Services very simple to use. The panel comes with a car converter text where you can just copy Hindi Speech in English text. The text converter changes English to Hindi format in a couple of seconds. You found this system a very interesting approach to modify the English text into any language you require. You don’t have to google for text converter.
Now in this 3G & 4G planet, you do not face any problem to get and read the i-language text. A couple of issues you need to worry is all about character count in English text 160 characters are counted as one message. Unicode counts 40 characters as one message after converting the last text in regional language. Better you purchase additional messages compared to the English message.
Unicode Text can be used for the following languages:
Hindi text provides a unique number for every character, regardless of the platform, regardless of the program, regardless of the language. We encourage message in most languages, which is achievable via using Unicode.
FAQ about Unicode SMS
1) What is the Difference Between Unicode Text and Normal ?
The major difference between Hindi message and Normal is that Unicode text is a used for Sending SMS in Regional Language and does support All Languages in the world , while Normal SMS is a plain english sms.
Note : Many people get confused by name Unicode SMS, You can call Unicode SMS as our own Language SMS service this will make you understand better
2. What are the Limitations of Unicode SMS ?
The main limitation of Hindi SMS is 70 characters it supports. 1 SMS credit in Hindi is 70 characters where as in english 160 characters
3. Which are the Indian Languages Unicode SMS Support by Us?
Tamil Language Unicode Bulk messaging Service
This is a classical indian language , we provide service to send bulk message in tamil lanaguage.
4. Advantages of Unicode SMS
1. You can convey your message in any local speaking language.
2. Helps to reach people who are illiterate
Many Farmers in India can not read English, if you sent a message in Hindi or other local regional languages, this helps to convey weather condition and other conditions.
3. Unicode SMS Helps to Win Elections
5. Only One Disadvantages of Unicode SMS
The major disadvantage of Hindi message is that the recipients of your messages must-have mobile handset capable of reading the Hindi character codes into readable characters (otherwise they will display as Box Character “□□□□□”).
In 2019 Many of the Indian Regional Language Speakers might have the Regional character set on their mobile devices, So this is not a major drawback in 2019.
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